as a black young individual in South Africa, you get into a lot of run ins with the police. The other day i was racially profiled by a police officer... a police officer came over to me and asked whether i liked chicken... i was like FUCK YOU MAN... JUST BECAUSE IM BLACK DOESNT MEAN I LIKE CHICKEN!...
they always asking you questions like where you goimg, where coming from, who were you with... "why do you sound as though you want to go hang with me?
When police officers have harrassed you or whatver they claim that they had to do it because they are 3 armed suspects in the area... "DONT TELL ME THAT, IM STILL ON MY WAY HOME!... GIVE A LIFT?"
Everytime i see a blue flashing light i get a little nervous... I cant even enjoy a christmas light display anymore... Having said all this... if shit goes down the first number im calling is 10111!
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