Grocery shopping is always a weird experience for me. i always feel like the store is way too big... what are other people buying that i don't know about? why is there an entire aisle dedicated to pet food... a WHOLE aisle? HOW FUSSY CAN A DOG BE? iv seen a dog eat its own shit! i doubt it cares whether or not the the food has chicken gravy or beef chunks!...
i don't know how good a special really is... especially if you don't buy it often... "R7.99 a KG... how much is a KG? how much do i eat usually... is this a huge bargain? should i be loading a lot of these?... i don't know what a good butternut looks like... i know there are good and bad ones but i don't know the difference, i just feel around until people around me think that i know what I'm doing!
why do people leave their trolleys in the middle of the aisle... this is not your kitchen lady! there people around you trying to live... i wish there was a grocery police escort... "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY... WE TRYING TO GET TO THE HOT CROSS BUNS!"
i don't think eating in the store should be allowed... how hungry could you be? i did not really mind before but it seems people go for the messy foods and still carry on shopping, i don't appreciate it when my peaches taste like Pepper Steak Pies!!!
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