Mice have been getting caught in traps for years, all in the pursuit of cheese! how popular will the first mouse that discovers how to make cheese! He'll get pussy flying at him for days... okay maybe not pussy.. bad chose of words, that would be the last thing he would want flying at him... little mouse vaginas... or little penises... who am i to assume the mouse is not a female or part of the mice homosexual community!
it would be the most popular mouse in Mouse history! it would probably run for mouse presidency!
"Comrades! its a new era for us! too long have we've been discriminated against because of the black plague... those were our forefathers! we wash, floss and all that now! Comrades Mickey Mouse and Stuart Little have turned their backs on us... Comrade Mickey has not invited us to his Disney Land but would rather invite rabbits, ducks and cats... CATS? why is he engaging with ducks? ducks are real under achievers! they can fly, walk on land, and swim really well but still only eat dry bread at parks!! Mickey Mouse is a fascist pig!"