Wednesday, May 14, 2008

dont u hate it wen u overdo ur toast?

dont u hate it when u go 2 sum1's house and their toaster settings are different 2 yours?...
damn cant we get an international toaster standard....where all toaster levels are da if u like ur toast number 3 that when u got 2 ne toaster u can jus put on 3?... some ppl like different shades of brown... is that much 2 ask....cant they dicuss that @ da next toaster summit or summin!

no i dont want ur lollipop...rap motherf***ker!!

When did lil wayne start singing...
if he could sing then i wouldn mind but that guy cant sing...why are people makin like he can....he cant! You know how many effect channels that they use on his voice....his voice isn't soft.... it's software!

Just cause we like your raps.... dont think we idiots
