Sunday, July 20, 2008


I hate bees... i feel that they just there to annoy people... iv never heard some say anything about bees that they like... yes they produce honey... i dont even like honey that much...i mean if sum1 was offering 2 get rid of the bees at the cost of honey..."WHERE DO I SIGN!"

if i never saw a bee again in my life... id be pretty doesnt help that there are people that are allergic 2 these things... now they have big egos an think they can fly around wherever they want..all up in our business and our cool drinks...

i see bees in cold drinks all the time but iv never heard of Fanta flavoured honey... they not even working they messing with you in their lunch break! coke can be addictive...especially if u have a little body...theres probably bee sugar and caffiene junkies flying outside right now...looking for their next fix...

Fuk Beez


phones r getting WAY to advanced for my liking....i think a fone shud sms, phone an maybe have a radio... (Not an MP3 player)... I HATE MP3S AS RINGTONES...i dont like the thought of phoning someone for sum serious or sad news and they are on the other side of the phone dancing to their favourite track... now it seems like my fault that the guy was on a high and i gave him bad news....keep it neutral wen answering the phone!

"I dont like carrying much money around..."
well u got a R10000 phone on u... ALL THE TIME... i wud think u used to that type of pressure!

because of all these other features an shit.... people are getting attached 2 their phones... "Wot u mean i cant use my fone in the bank... wot if im doing a transaction with my bbm/twitter/facebook buddy?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dry Lips!

i hate jhb...cause of da whole dry lips thing!...

if u dont use lip balm...ul have cracks in ur lip big enough 2 smuggle crack @ customs!

iv never used lipice regularly in my life.... i jus dont know how 2 apply lipice in a club without lookin like a raging metro... can sum1 show me!

whats the rule on sharing lipice... i dont know much bout lip balm etiquette but i dont want my lips 2 touch sum1 elses lips (if they not hot)....even indirectly!

can i buy flavoured lib balm...i mean is it ok to buy peach flavourd lipice?... what tropical fruits should i stay away from?

dont u hate those hard lip balms that dont smear on your lips, just come out in a big blob or when you twist and twist and the lipice doesnt come out!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

dont u hate it wen u overdo ur toast?

dont u hate it when u go 2 sum1's house and their toaster settings are different 2 yours?...
damn cant we get an international toaster standard....where all toaster levels are da if u like ur toast number 3 that when u got 2 ne toaster u can jus put on 3?... some ppl like different shades of brown... is that much 2 ask....cant they dicuss that @ da next toaster summit or summin!

no i dont want ur lollipop...rap motherf***ker!!

When did lil wayne start singing...
if he could sing then i wouldn mind but that guy cant sing...why are people makin like he can....he cant! You know how many effect channels that they use on his voice....his voice isn't soft.... it's software!

Just cause we like your raps.... dont think we idiots
