things on my mind!
Its winter! The time when people are telling you what to wear and how to wear it! Why are we idiots every time the season changes? I don't know what’s hot at the moment and I don't think I ever have! I'm the type of guy that you wouldn't be able to tell whether or not I’m going to hit the streets or going home to watch movies! Most people have a difference... “Oh you look pretty smart, where you off too tonight?” with me it’s the same... it’s a fucking gamble! I don't get the whole winter season hype. Why don't you just wear what you were wearing last winter? Or what you wore during summer on those cold days? So instead of jeans, tee, and sneakers... its jeans, tee, sneakers AND A JACKET!
Having said all that I think you must NEVER EVER... EVER be seen wearing uggs this winter!! WHAT THE FUCK Are those things? That’s the shit Eskimos wear... with the risk of sounding racist... Eskimos are not advocates for cool and have never been! What the fuck are things made out of anyway? I think the animal rights activists don’t know what the fuck it’s made out of either! “STOP KILLING WHATEVER IT IS!” “LEAVE BIG FOOT ALONE!” every time I see those things I think that there is a bear out there rolling without shoulder hair!
“What happened to you…? I was running low on the rent and I needed extra cash… the humans love those dumb ugg shoes!” try it its easy money” (that my impression of a bear hustling!)
I think the wearing of uggs is going to be held against us in the future… if we wear in a court case in the future and we wear pleading for aliens not destroy the earth…
“Your Honour, we’ve made great advances in science and philosophy! We might be a young being but we have made the same mistakes as the plaintiffs did when you were our age; may I dare say, I think we are more advanced at this stage!”
“But, your honour! In the early 2000’s they were wearing uggs!... no reasonable person would be wearing those, regardless of the weather or the style!”
“Ummmm ummm… You’re Honour! The defence requests a recess!!!” we’d would be Fucked!